Sunday 10 March 2013

Dreaming Of The World

One of my biggest wants, or wish, in life is to travel the world. I would love to back a bag and jet off to the sandy beaches of Australia, the rainforests in Brazil, and the secret caves of most (not all) countries in the world.
I want to see the world whilst I'm still young, and whilst I don't have a permanent job, or any other serious ties back home, apart from the one's that are going to be there no matter what aka my family and friends. Realistically, I want to do all this before I'm 25 aka in the next four years. I think it's possible.

First job is to buy a travel diary, write down all the places I want to visit and go from there. Maybe get a job that pays well after university for six months too. I will need a considerable amount of money for this new adventure.
 The great thing about my career choice is that I can pretty much write in any place.

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