Monday 10 September 2012

¡Mi Vida Nueva!

Today's blog is a little bit different to the noramal fashionista-what-to-wear-style posts I usually write.
First off to my readers, sorry it's been so long! It's been pretty hectic the last couple of weeks whilst preparing for Spain, but I am here now, in the sunny, hot, stylish city of Murcia!
The thing I love most about Murcia is the diversity of the city (and the many shops of course!). First off, you have the very religious side with the massive cathedral whose bells ring at every hour, and a church at every corner of the city. Then, there's of course, the students of the university... There is a lot of us.. about 30,000; 1,000 being erasmus. I think that's about right anyway. I might have misheard! There are so many bars, tapas, restaurants, cafes... you name it, Murcia has it. Another thing about Spain in general is the way they are so family-orientated. The other day, I was sitting in a restaurant, and I saw a granny, two or three daughters, an aunt (maybe - I'm speculating) and about three children; all different ages and yet here they were having a drink and chatting.

There is so much culture here it's unreal.
September is the best month to come to Murcia as the city has their national festival: La Fería de Murcia where there's a load of tapas, wine, dancing, singing, acting, parades, and loads of small stalls (most of which have beautiful foreign jewellery - the kind that is cheap and every girl wants). For example, tonight I bought myself four belly bars for the price of 16 euros! I could not believe it! That is like £13.50, and in England, you'll be lucky to get a decent one for a bit less than that price in somewhere like River Island or Topshop.
I have also (unashamedly) started buying Christmas presents! La Fería ends on the 20th September so and I want to buy a load of nice presents from there that's not outrageously expensive either! 
Today, I started my Spanish class too. It was really good. Back to basics and all that, but learning with a group of people from totally different countries with completely different backgrounds as you makes it so much more interesting. The only thing is, whenever I say my name to a Spaniard, they can't say it properly. I'll just get used to being called various types of my name.
I have also started to plan my timetable for university! It's a rollercoaster of emotions: stress, excitement, happiness, relief etc. etc. I gotta say though, as much as I love being in all this lovely, hot weather and the sun shining everyday, I am looking forward to Christmas a lot more than usual this year. I'm a true patriot of England at heart.
faye xoxo

Feeling very happy at the beach!
P.S. The shops here are also to die for... Mango is mega cheap! Watch this space for the usual what I bought today with a bit of a twist. I haven't bought much yet so I'm going to compile a blog at the end of the week, or next week with all the beautiful things I've bought! Including, the skirt I want to fly home in, and the dress I want to wear on Christmas Day!
¡Hasta luego!

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