Saturday 22 December 2012

Latest Writing

I haven't been writing as much as I would have wanted to recently. That can be one of my many new years resolutions for 2013. I always write more during the holidays as I have nothing much to do - apart from see my friends, family, buy presents, wrap things, go out etc.
I have just finished putting together my latest HerUni article which I started a month ago! I have no excuse, it could have been finished a lot sooner.
Another one of my articles for Pillow has been published. A couple of months ago, I wrote three pieces including one about a new competition for ORGNL.TV. I then wrote an article about the winners of said competition. I love writing for Pillow because it's different to writing for HerUni or for myself. I have a deadline and a stipulated criteria of what the editor wants.
A bit of a random post, and I've just realised I posted earlier today also, so double dosage from me instead of nothing for weeks today.

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