It’s that time of year when we (some, not all) move back home, to live with
our parents. It is also that time of year when you think: I’m going to get rid
of half my wardrobe, half my jewellery box, and half my DVDs, books etc. It is
definitely that time of year for me.

Do you see her sad face as she packs away all her pretty shoes to be sold?
This is the face I thought I would wear as I hang dresses that I haven’t worn
for years seperate (in the ‘selling’ section) from the dresses that I wear all
the time for special occasions. In fact, I have a happy face as I figure out
what I want to keep or get rid of. Right now, I have nearly a whole rack of
dresses, tops and trousers I want to sell, piles of pyjama’s and t-shirts that I
hardly ever wear, and boxes of shoes that are different to the style I prefer
nowadays. I’ve sorted through piles of clothes that I never thought I had, and a
huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The only thing I’m worried about
is getting too happy about decluttering my closet and ridding myself of
something that I’d want to wear again in the future (Nevertheless, my wardrobe
is still spilling over with clothes despite decluttering it!).
If any of you want to have a complete sort out of your room, from clothes to
books, here are some tips as to how to go about it:
1. Clothes. If they are too small, too big, too wide etc.
move them into the ‘get rid’ pile. If you haven’t worn that dress, or that top
in the past six months, or you left it behind whilst you were at university (it
obviously wasn’t that important!), give away or sell. If, like me you are going
away to a different country for a year, and you know you won’t need half the
clothes in the different climate, get rid. Besides, this is a great excuse to go
shopping for a completely new wardrobe!
2. Shoes. I know that for some girls, this will be
difficult. Shoes are our best friends. However, if you haven’t worn them, the
heels are too small (as heels are never too high!), some of the straps are
broken etc. etc. it is time to say goodbye. Just think of the Kurt Geiger’s that
you’ve been dreaming of, and this will help you through!
3. Books, DVDs, CDs. In this day and age when we have the
Kindle, the iPod, online sites such as Netflix and LoveFilm, is there really any
point to hardbacks, or actual disks anymore? I believe, yes. Some may say no,
and this could be the reason for decluttering your bookcase of films you haven’t
watched in years, or CDs you don’t listen to anymore, or books that you don’t
4. Jewellery. Jewellery is sometimes difficult when it comes
to earrings and bellybars as you are not allowed to return them to the shop,
therefore you shouldn’t really be selling them. Bracelets and necklaces are easy
(once you’ve detangled them all), and you could get a couple of pound for them
if you choose to sell them at a car booty (like I’ll be doing soon!).
Finally, sort through all the paper (bank statements, uni work, random bits
of paper) and decide what you need or want. Organise them into folders so
they’re easy to get to without worrying whether you have lost that important
As some people say: Declutter your house (in our cases bedrooms), declutter
your life!
faye xoxo