Wednesday 16 January 2013

HerUni: The Return Of Captain Jack Sparrow

It has been announced that Johnny Depp will be returning to our screens as our favourite pirate (Captain!) Jack Sparrow.
The IMDb status claims that the film is ’announced’ with comments of ‘scripting’. This was updated on August 5th of last year. Terry Rossio, who has written all Pirate’s of the Caribbean scripts, has once again took his place as scriptwriter of this instalment. Undoubtedly, Jack Sparrow’s speeches will be classic comedy with funny one-liners and a splash of witty stupidity in a clever way.
The question is: When will it be time to say goodbye to the pirates?
Obviously, there are many tales of the sea that can be retold through the eyes of Captain Jack Sparrow and his friends, enemies and frenemies, but just how many times can Disney, or Johnny and the rest of the crew, return to the seven seas?
Another question is: Will Penélope Cruz be returning as Jack’s other half?
She was stranded on the island after all with only a voodoo doll of Jack to keep her company. It would be great if she came back for this film, and perhaps another in order to make the franchise an even six. The first three would have had the epic love of Elizabeth Swan and Will Turner. This half of the franchise could focus on Jack and his wacky ways of showing, or not showing, love to the Spanish Enchantress. But that is just contemplation.
IMDb states that the year that this anticipated film is unknown at this point. However, the Facebook page of the Pirate’s of the Caribbean franchise states it will be out in theatres Summer 2015. Sadly, that’s another two years to wait.
You can read this article and many others at here.

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